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🐧 Xero Post-Install Toolkit 🐧


It's crucial to clarify that this toolkit isn't intended for custom Arch-Based distros. While some elements might function, I can't ensure seamless compatibility due to potential conflicts arising from differing tweaks and repositories. To ensure optimal performance.

What it is

This toolkit aims to be an all-in-one solution for post-installation, expediting your Arch setup. It's offered as use at your own risk type of thing, without much support. You will have to rely on yourself and your own knowledge and ability to do research your setup.

Toolkit recieves a lot of updates on almost a daily basis. Use above video just as a reference not an absolute lol. I keep getting ideas which I immediately implement. Due to the amount of changes I cannot keep a changelog, sorry. Too many to keep up with.

How to get it

First off let me say that everything this awesome toolkit provides is and will forever be optional and up to you the user. I will never force anything on you.


Don't just run script, without inspecting it first. So before using Curl command below you can examine it => HERE. It will always be provided as is without any Warranty of any kind. If you need support you know where to find me. Hint : "check the footer for links".

Now, once you have inspected the code, just run this simple curl command to get started :

bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

It will prompt you before injecting as in adding the XeroLinux repository, where from it will then prompt you, should you agree, as to which AUR helper you prefer, then proceed to do so then install and launch the toolkit.. Again only if you agree..

Acessing Toolkit

You can access toolkit by either typing xero-cli -m in terminal or from the application menu via the XeroLinux Post Installation Toolkit shortcut.. Just close terminal window once done using it lol ;)

.// The Wiki \\.

System Setup

This is the initial setup part where you set the most common things up and/or install Package managers...

- Initial Setup Section

option description
Update System Will guide you through system update via 1 of 3 methods.
PipeWire/Bluetooth Missing PipeWire/Bluetooth Packages not offered by ArchInstall.
Activate Flathub Enables Flathub which is required by the toolkit.
Enable multithread compilation. Sets compilation to use all Cores/Threads for faster building.

- GUI Package Managers

Although some DEs like Gnome and KDE Plasma come with their own GUI package manager, they have some limitations. That's why I decided to include others that give us more freedom. See below...

option description
OctoPi Installs Octopi.
PacSeek Installs PacSeek Incl. PacFinder.
Bauh Installs Bauh.

System Drivers

Well this section is dedicated to Drivers like GPU, Printer, Samba, Scanner & Game controllers. Below are more details on various options.

option description
GPU Will guide you prompts to set up your GPU drivers.
Printer Installs all the necessary ones that will cover most cases. Check AUR for others.
Samba Installs a meta package I have created that covers most cases.
Scanner Installs a meta package by myself for most people. Check AUR for others.
Tailscale Installs Tailscale with fix for XeroLinux.
DeckLink & StreamDeck Installs driver for Decklink, DeckMaster or StreamDeckUI (AUR).

Distrobox / Docker

This will allow you to set either one up in case you want to test one or all of the Distros offered or use containerized apps for self-hosting.

option description
Docker Installs and configures Docker, Docker-Compose, Docker-BuildX and LazyDocker. Will be prompted if you want Podman Desktop
Distrobox Installs Distrobox with BoxBuddy which will allow you to deploy the offered Distro containers.

System Customization

That's where the fun stuff begin, yep as you might have realized by now, I love customizing my DE that's why I use KDE Plasma. So if you want to customize your experience that's where you do it from.

- Shell / Prompts

option description
Fastfetch Installs Fastfetch with Custom settings.
Fish Shell Installs the Fish Shell with stock settings.
OhMyPosh Installs OhMyPosh with Custom settings.
ZSH AlinOne Installs ZSH with OhMyZSH and OhMyPosh and plugins.
Gnome Extenstion Tools Installs Gnome's Extension Manager.

- DE/WM Ricing

option description
XeroLinux KDE Rices Will let you apply my Layan KDE Rice. Theme has been ported to Plasma 6
Hyprland Dot Files Will offer you 3 Hyprland dots to choose from, linking you to their respective Git.

In closing, this section will be updated to include some useful customization features as time goes by..

Game Launchers

Are you an avid gamer ? That section has you covered, allowing you to install the launcher(s) you need to get up and running in no time. Now you will have a choice of installing either the Flathub version officially supported by the devs or the unofficial Native version.

- Game Launchers


For Steam it will also apply the Fast Download Patch which will allow you to download games using the entirety of your connection. Keep in mind that this might choke it a bit so better wait for download to be done before attempting to watch any YouTube videos lol...

option description
Steam Installs Steam All-in-One with Mangohud, Goverlay & Gamemode.
Game Controller Installs any of ds4drv for PS4 Controller, dualsensectl for PS5's DualSense Controller or xone-dkms for the XBox-One Controller.
Lutris Installs Lutris.
Heroic Installs Heroic.
Bottles Installs Bottles.
Protonup-qt Installs Protonup-qt.


The System Tools option will just go ahead and install everything in it. I only selected the important stuff nothing big or unnecessary from both Arch Repos and the AUR, so might take abit to install everything depending on your specs. For transparency I included the list below the table so you know what's gonna be installed on your system should you opt to install.

- Various Extra Pkgs

option description
LibreOffice Installs LibreOffice Fresh version.
Web Browsers A selection of Web-Browsers.
System Tools Installs a "set of packages" essential for a fully functional system.
Development Tools Installs your choice of Development tools.
Photography & 3D Installs your choice of Image and 3D Tools.
Music/Audio Installs your choice of Audio & Video Tools.
Social-Media Installs your choice of Chat clients.
Virtualization Installs either VirtualBox or Virt-Manager.
Video & Editing Installs any of Video tools. OBS-Studio includes a list of commonly used plugins.

System Packages list :

linux-headers downgrade mkinitcpio-firmware hw-probe pkgstats alsi update-grub expac linux-firmware-marvell eza numlockx lm_sensors appstream-glib bat bat-extras pacman-contrib pacman-bintrans yt-dlp gnustep-base parallel dex make libxinerama logrotate bash-completion gtk-update-icon-cache gnome-disk-utility appmenu-gtk-module dconf-editor dbus-python lsb-release asciinema playerctl s3fs-fuse vi duf gcc yad zip xdo inxi lzop nmon mkinitcpio-archiso mkinitcpio-nfs-utils tree vala btop lshw expac fuse3 meson unace unrar unzip p7zip rhash sshfs vnstat nodejs cronie hwinfo hardinfo2 arandr assimp netpbm wmctrl grsync libmtp polkit sysprof gparted hddtemp mlocate fuseiso gettext node-gyp graphviz inetutils appstream cifs-utils ntfs-3g nvme-cli exfatprogs f2fs-tools man-db man-pages tldr python-pip python-cffi python-numpy python-docopt python-pyaudio xdg-desktop-portal-gtk


Now am not gonna go over everything this section does, suffice it to say that this is a place that contains most troubleshooting options. Here's a list...

1.  Install & Activate Firewalld.
2.  Clear Pacman Cache (Free Space).
3.  Unlock Pacman DB (In case of DB error).
4.  Activate v4l2loopback for OBS-VirtualCam.
5.  Change Autologin Session X11/Wayland (SDDM).

a.  Build Updated Arch ISO.
r.  Reset Distro back to Factory.
w.  WayDroid Installation Guide (link).
m.  Update Arch Mirrorlist, for faster download speeds.
g.  Fix Arch GnuPG Keyring in case of pkg signature issues.

GPU Driver Notes

When it comes to GPU Drivers, toolkit covers most common setups. It currently does NOT cover Hybrid ones. For those you will have to consult online documentation, sorry. Anyway, by answering the prompts correctly you will have your system(s) up and running in no time at all. Even Kernel modules will load for nVidia. If you have any issues let me know here...

3rd Party Kernel Support

No 3rd party Kernels are provided by this toolkit. So if you install any, please remember to include their headers for seamless functionality of anything that relies on DKMS (Dynamic Kernel Modules).

How to Contribute

If you can/want to Contribute your knowledge improving this toolkit taking it above and beyond, making it the defacto for every Arch user, please see Here for more information.

Toolkit Credits

Main menu is written in Rust thanks to OgloTheNerd. And some contributions were made by a friend of the project It-A-Me. Thanks to them this Toolkit wouldn't have reached this point.